Monday, April 13, 2009

Case of the Mondays

It's interesting that I both love and hate working early. I don't like getting up so early, but I love getting out early...And it so happens that I love getting out early more than I love sleeping in. It was hard to get up an extra 45 minutes earlier to make breakfast but I felt the difference later in the day. I brought some almonds with me to munch on during the day. I got off work, and immediately went over to Daley Ranch to do some hiking. I felt renewed up there in the mountains. I have really missed hiking. I didn't realize how much I loved the tranquility and energy I feel there. I've been doing a lot of thinking today about my life. I realize that I spend way too much time thinking about my past mistakes. I think about the fact that I didn't finish school, but I don't think about the fact that I am living on my own. I think about my past failures of weight loss, but I don't think about how I completely turned my job around and am now one of the leading sales people. A wise man once told me that you can be hugged a thousand times and slapped once, and you will remember the slap more than any of the hugs. Why is that? Why do we tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive. If I did that, I wouldn't focus on the fact that I am still overweight, I would focus on the fact that I have eliminated 30 pounds off of my body! Weight loss is such a mental game. And Satan is waiting at every corner waiting to entangle me in feelings of fear, self doubt, loneliness, and depression. I need to figure out when and where he waits for me and keep myself away from those places. If my struggle is fast food after work, then I leave all my money at home. I can't buy anything if I don't have money. If my struggle is loneliness, then I find people who can support me. I need to find every tactic the devil uses and create a counter-offensive. I don't need to just play defense, but offense as well. And since God is who He says He is, then I know that I have the spirit of power, love and self control to accomplish this. God believes in me, and I can too.

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