Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Snickers Doesn't Satisfy...God Does.

"Help Yourself to Happiness. "
It's a slogan for a buffet restaurant called Golden Corral. They serve a smorgasbord of different types of food. (I know what you're thinking, and no I have not gone there recently. Haha) I saw their commercial on TV, and to be honest, when I saw their slogan, it really hit me. "Help Yourself to Happiness." What they are saying is what so many people believe. People believe that food will make you happy. Think about it...There are "comfort" foods, "soul" foods, and when you've had a rough day, you just want to go ask for a pint...of Ben and Jerry's.
I realize that I have lived this way for most of my life. I have believed that food, above almost anything else will make me happy. What they don't show in that commercial is the overweight kid who feels horrible afterward. Or the person who eats emotionally and attempts to drown their sorrows in a pound of fried shrimp and macaroni and cheese. What they don't show is what else you are helping yourself to...such as bad cholesterol, clogged arteries, and diabetes.
I have used food for emotional reasons way too much. Lately, food has been more of a stress reliever than any other type of emotion. When I've had a rough day at work, I want to go "help myself to happiness." But it doesn't help. Usually, I feel worse after eating it than I did before. This has to stop. I know that food can't make me happy. It can't satisfy my craving for love and affection. It can't make me feel better about myself. Only God can.
If God were to have a slogan like that, I think it would be "Don't help yourself to happiness, allow me to satisfy your hunger." See, in Jesus Christ, God has given us bread that will never make us hunger. He has given us water that will never make us thirst. I have to grasp that fact. I have to remember that I have a God who loves and cares for me. I have to allow him to satisfy my hunger. There is not a Snickers bar big enough to satisfy the hunger that I long for. But God can fill it. I don't need "Patrick Chewing" or "Sir Snacksalot" to satisfy my hunger. I must allow God to do that. He is the only one who can satisfy my need.
Snickers doesn't satisfy...Only God does.