Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Down but not out

I've really been struggling the past few weeks. I haven't been working out and I have not been eating properly. I seem to be in a rut. But today I found out what a rut is...It is a coffin with both sides kicked out. I don't want to be in a rut anymore. But my biggest problem right now is the fact that I haven't done anything to fix the situation. I just ask myself why. Why did I eat that? Why didn't I go work out today? Why haven't I posted a video? My new question is when am I going to stop asking why and just change something? It does no good for me to sit and dwell in the past. It does no good to wonder why and sit and do nothing.
I realized today that one thing I do is when I get in a situation like this is that I don't tell anyone. I don't open up and talk about it. I pretend like everything is fine when it really is not. I ignore the problem and hope it will go away by itself...but you know what? It never does. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger until I can't control it anymore. I thought this video blog would help, but I found out that I can just "forget" to put a video up.
I am going to begin to get more personable about what is going on. I'm not going to hide from my problems anymore. I am not going to pretend they don't exist. I need to just face them head on and deal with them.
Therefore, tomorrow I will step on the scale for the first time in 2 weeks. I will look at that number and face the facts. I will take responsibility for it and then ask myself the question...Now what? What am I going to do now? I might be down, but I am not out. The measure of a man is not how he acts when everything is going great, but when adversity comes. I want to be the man that God calls me to be.

1 comment:

  1. As the Aussie's say, "Good on ya". Remember, I am here for you for support.
