Monday, May 18, 2009

David and Goliath

The story of David and Goliath is known as one of the most popular stories in The Bible. It has even penetrated into society. When one person takes on a large company in a lawsuit it's called a David vs. Goliath case. Even some sporting events will play on the David vs. Goliath role. But there is so much more to this story than just a young man taking on a 9 foot freak of nature. We see something interesting in how David takes on Goliath. You see, David does not say "I'm going to take care of this." He says "The Lord...will deliver deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." While every one else is focusing on the size of Goliath, his armor, and his spear, David focuses on God.
What is your Goliath? What are you battling? And are you focusing on the problem rather than God? David reminds us that when we focus on our giants, we fall, but when we focus on God, our giants fall.

1 comment:

  1. Though I am not fortunate to have met you in person yet, I still want to thank you for your words. I have battled a Goliath of a conflict recently, and I finally surrendered to the love I once felt through the Lord. And with words like yours to provide indirect support, I feel like I am truly letting our Lord deliver me through it. Thank you.
